How do I pay for my appointment?
SHCS accepts most insurances and we will check your insurance coverage before your appointment. We will let you know if Telehealth services are covered and what your co-pay will be. Any co-pay will be paid at the time of your appointment. There are multiple ways to pay for your appointment including direct payment via phone, your patient portal with your credit card, Paypal, and Cashapp.
What if my insurance doesn't cover telehealth services?
Most patients establishing with our practice will pay $150 for their first visit and $75 per visit thereafter. SHCS accepts all major credit cards, HSA cards, and we can accept Paypal, & Cashapp.
Can I get controlled medications via telehealth?
According to SC Code of laws Title 40 Section 40-47-37, narcotic substances cannot be prescribed via telemedicine only visits (Please note Suboxone is not a narcotic and is legal to prescribe through telehealth as long as you have one in person visit per year). Any other controlled medications can be prescribed through a telehealth only visit as long as the provider feels it is something that will provide the same level of care via telehealth as an in office visit.
Does a telehealth visit establish a provider-patient relationship?
Yes it does and all State and Federal Laws pertaining to that relationship are enforced including privacy. Furthermore, all telecommunications software used by SHCS is fully HIPPA compliant.
Will I see the same provider every time I have an appointment?
This depends on the type of appointment. If you are establishing mental health care with SHCS our goal is to provide you with the same provider at every appointment for continuity of care purposes. If it is a common medical issue requiring only a single visit you will generally be assigned the first available provider.
What insurances do you accept?
We are currently in network with all insurance companies except Blue Cross Blue Shield and SC Medicaid. We are working on these and hope in the very near future SHCS can accept all insurances. However, the one thing we can never accept is any HMO plan.
Do insurance deductibles apply to telehealth services?
The surprising answer to this questions is most of the time, but not in every case. It depends on your insurance plan. The SHS billing staff will check this before your first appointment if you plan on filing your insurance.
Can you prescribe Erectile Dysfunction Medications via Telehealth?
Surprisingly NO. SC Law specifically prohibits prescribing ED medications via Telehealth only. You must have an in person appointment at least one time for ED medications.
Will Serenity Healthcare Solutions prescribe "The Abortion Pill" for me?
No we will not, and it is also specifically prohibited by SC Law.
Is the visit HIPPA compliant?
Absolutely yes! The software used is both Drummond and HITRUST CSF certified.
Are 24/7 appointments available?
Currently no. We offer appointments during normal business hours Monday through Thursday 8:30am to 5:00pm and Friday from 8:30am to Noon. This may change in the future depending on demand.